Claire Wilson succeeds Catherine Clarke as AAA President

At the AGM of the Association of Authors’ Agents on 30 January 2024, Vice President Claire Wilson of RCW Literary Agency stepped up to President, praising outgoing President Catherine Clarke of Felicity Bryan Associates for her thoughtful, dedicated and highly effective leadership.

‘Working closely with Catherine has been incredibly rewarding and through her I have learned a huge amount about the AAA and its important work. Under her guidance over the last two years the committee has worked together to run a full programme of networking, discussion and training events; helped introduce the Open Books campaign to hundreds of secondary schools in the UK; worked to develop a new cross-industry set of professional values; launched the Tree to Me campaign and joined the Sustainability Industry Forum among other notable steps forward. Looking ahead, we have a fantastic team in place – full of expertise and energy – and I couldn’t be more pleased to be working alongside them as we navigate a rapidly changing industry landscape over the years ahead.’

Catherine Clarke says: ‘It has been a pleasure to work alongside the AAA committee, to see the AAA’s membership continue to expand, to help steer industry campaigns, and to build knowledge and networks for agents, new and experienced alike. I am really delighted to be leaving this great organisation in the hands of such committed and dynamic agents. Claire will be a brilliant President and will guide the Association through the next two years with great skill. I look forward to seeing it flourish, from the stands.’

Hellie Ogden, of WME London, joins as Vice President, and Karolina Sutton, of CAA, joins as Ordinary Member, following Madeleine Milburn, of Madeleine Milburn Literary, Film and TV Agency, stepping down. John Baker of Bell Lomax Moreton will take over from Camille Burns of DKW Literary Agency as Secretary. Other current members of the committee are: Becky Brown of Curtis Brown, Eli Keren of United Agents (Treasurer) and Jenny Robson of ILA.

Claire Wilson began her career working in publishing sales and rights, and joined Rogers, Coleridge & White in 2007, becoming a director in 2015. She represents authors of both children’s and adult fiction, and won Agent of the Year at the British Book Awards in 2023.