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Agency Activity Suggestions for Mental Health Awareness Week 13-19 May

We are sharing below some resources and handy tips on how you can take a little time out of your busy schedule to focus on mental health. Whether this is by relaxing and reducing stress, finding ways to learn and be creative, spending time outside or connecting with others.

0-15 mins:

  • Try to relax and reduce stress: Try a mindfulness exercise.
  • Find ways to learn and be creative: Play a quick game with colleagues (Consequences, anyone?).
  • Spend time outside: Take your morning coffee outside.
  • Connect with others: Talk to a colleague about something other than work!

15-30 mins:

  • Try to relax and reduce stress: Listen to some music.
  • Find ways to learn and be creative: Listen to a podcast episode (for pure pleasure!).
  • Spend time outside: Go for a stroll.
  • Connect with others: Do a crossword with your colleagues.


  • Try to relax and reduce stress: Read a book (for pure pleasure!).
  • Find ways to learn and be creative: Play a longer game with your colleagues (Scrabble, anyone?).
  • Spend time outside: Take a long walk, or maybe have lunch together outside.
  • Connect with others: Go out for a hot drink or a slice of cake.

General tips for looking after your mental health:

  • Make sure you’re getting enough sleep.
  • Spend time outdoors.
  • Plan something to look forward to, such as: reading a new book, baking something delicious, or taking part in a sport you love.
  • Make sure your diet is healthy and balanced, which includes having the odd treat here and there too.
  • Help others – giving back can actually help make us feel good.
  • Take part in a physical activity – this can include things like walking, dancing or cycling.
  • Spend time with supportive people. These could be friends, family members or people at work – even if you aren’t able to meet in person, online hangouts can be just as beneficial.